The 46th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, 2013

Instructions to Format and Submit the Final Papers for MICRO-46

Final paper format

Your final paper must use the ACM SIG Proceedings template. Please visit and download the proper template files. If you use LaTeX2e or a variant, download the files for "Option 2: tighter alternate style". If you are using Microsoft Word, download the ACM Word Template for SIG Proceedings following the link at the top of the page. Do not make any changes to these templates. If you are using another package, please download the Word or PDF template files and follow all formatting instructions listed there.

Your paper must include the ACM copyright note at the bottom of the first column of the first page. The last two lines of the copyright note should be:
MICRO'46, December 7-11, 2013, Davis, CA, USA.
Copyright 2013 ACM 978-1-4503-2638-4/13/12 ...$15.00.

Your paper must apply the ACM computing classification categories and terms as shown in the template files. Please consult the classification scheme at to pick proper categories and terms. Most MICRO papers tend to fall in the B.* and C.* categories (hardware and computer systems organization respectively). Nevertheless, you should pick the categories, terms, and keywords based on the actual contents of your paper.

Make sure that your final submission does not include page numbers. These will be added by the publisher later.

Final paper length

Your final paper can be up to 12 pages long. An additional 13th page can be used at a fee of $75. See the conference registration page for further information about the extra page fee. Note that your paper must be at least 6 pages long to qualify as a full paper for ACM.

PDF requirements

Your final paper must be submitted in PDF format, regardless of the package used to generate it. Your PDF file must comply with the following ACM requirements:

  • It should have thumbnails and it should be optimized for fast web viewing.
  • It should have the rights management statement and bibliographic strip on the bottom of the first page left column.
  • It should have Type 1 fonts (scalable), not Type 3 (bit-mapped). All fonts MUST be embedded within the PDF file. In order to help you through this process, we have created documentation on how to embed your fonts available at Please download the ACM Digital Library optimal distiller settings file at ACM cannot substitute font types, though. This really must be done in the source files before the Postscript or PDF is generated. If bit-mapped fonts are used, they will not necessarily display legibly in all PDF readers on all platforms, though they will print out fine.

Final paper deadline

You must submit the PDF of your final paper by Friday, October 25th. If your paper is conditionally accepted, your shepherd must send the PC chair an email confirming that your paper meets the conditions by October 25th.

Note that, if you plan to submit your MICRO'46 paper to IEEE MICRO Top Picks 2014, you must prepare your final paper by their earlier deadline, including getting approval from your shepherd for conditional papers. Please visit the IEEE MICRO Top Picks 2014 for information on their deadlines. Needless to say, you are welcome to submit your final paper earlier no matter what.

Upload instructions

You can upload your final paper using the conference submission site ( ). Navigate to the page for your paper and click on the link "edit". This will present you with the form for the final submission.

Please use the following convention to name your PDF file before uploading: <submission #>-<firstauthorslastname>.pdf. For instance, if you are uploading paper #325 by John Smith and Simon Paul, the PDF file should be named "325-smith.pdf" before uploading it.

Copyright forms

ACM will communicate with you directly to collect ACM Rights Management forms. Please complete and submit the forms in a timely manner. As rights management e-mails are sent from an automated system, there is a chance that emails sent will wind up in SPAM folders. Please make sure that you set email SPAM settings to allow emails from "[email protected]"

Author and title information

Please let us know as soon as possible if there are changes to the title, authors, authors' order, or author's contact information. Send direct email to the PC chair.


If you need to refer to the MICRO'46 proceedings, you can use the ISBN 978-1-4503-2638-4